Northern Governor aids remote women

​Women are always the provider of family needs in remote areas of PNG.

They always do gardening, marketing and also giving birth which is always so hard and in pain.

Uiaku women in the Ijivitari district of Northern province have called on Governor Garry Juffa to look into this issue and help them.

They called on Juffa to build a market for them to sell food and other stuff at Popondetta town.

Spokeslady Helen Gegeyo when giving her speech during the opening of the aid post and elementary classroom  on Tuesday said the women want to see change and it's about time they will experience that change.

He thanked Juffa for counter funding the aid post and classroom and look forward to other infrastructures.

Meanwhile, Juffa assured the women that a craft market is in the process of erections in Popondetta to cater for their needs.

Freddy Mou