Mama Lus Fruit Scheme plan 2016 program

The Mama Lus Fruit Scheme was established in 1997 operating under the Hoskins Oil Palm Growers Association (HOPGA).

This year will be the 19th year of its existence in West New Britain Province. There are 6005 members to date and the members composition are within the five OPIC Divisions in the Hoskins Oil Palm Project area.

The main objective of the Mama Lus Fruit Scheme is in training and skills empowerment programs for women in oil palm blocks in the Province.

There are many success stories from women owning businesses such as trade stores, poultry projects, PMV, tailoring and other small enterprises after receiving training under the Mama Lus Fruit programs.

The Mama Lus Fruit Scheme was the brainchild of former OPIC Projects Manager – Frank Lewis during his tenure in the Hoskins project.

During a meeting conducted today, the executives discussed about their plans for 2016 programs including a strategic planning workshop for the next three years, training and awareness programs to implement in each division.

Mama Lus Fruit has also identified potential partners that can provide technical advice, support, training materials, funding, logistics and administration support as they implement their programs.

NBPOL, OPIC, PNG OPRA, Department of Agriculture and Livestock, Skills Development Trust Fund and external trainers will be invited to participate in their programs for this year.





Dianne Mirio