Youth, a vital sector

The Secretary for Department for Community Development and Religion has pointed out that government’s incapability to take full ownership of the Urban Youth Employment Project Phase 1.

In a consultative meeting Secretary Anna Solomon, highlighted how this in is now posing challenges on the future of the project in PNG.

Solomon reiterated that the Government must ensure their commitment towards youth oriented projects.

Attended by Secretaries Anna Solomon and Dairi Vele, together with representatives from Forestry and National Youth Development Authority the meeting focussed on the Urban Youth Employment Project II Design and how government agencies can collaborate to facilitate improvements that can benefit the country’s Youth Population.

Sectorial views and consensus on the key pathways or streams to youth employability, qualifying labour market, further education opportunities and map out strategies on governance and policy oversight topped the meeting agendas.

Secretary Solomon said Youth is a very vital sector hence such projects must be monitored and sustained.

While the main focus is on Employability, the outlook of UYEP Phase II is also looking at Entrepreneurship through building the youth’s skill capacity.

The Urban Youth Employment Project Phase II will be determined by the government depending on their commitment to take full ownership of the project.


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Carolyn Ure