Maprik sets goals

Maprik district has set its goals for 2018 with major focus in boosting income generating avenues and development in education as well as addressing Law and order issues as their top priorities.

This was pointed out by Member for Maprik, John Simon, in the District Management Team meeting on Wednesday.

The MP stated that the district has set its goals under his leadership, with nine major agendas, including education and economic boost.

He said Maprik is a district that is well endowed in terms of income generating avenues such as agriculture and livestock, however this has not been utilised.

Education, he reiterated is seen as one of the platforms that will bring the much needed development to the district.

He said 2018, will be the year to look seriously into changing the tide for the district.

Simon said Education for instance is a needed agenda as it will ensure that the next generation of young people can be well prepared for running the district.

Hence he highlighted the need for investment in education, thus the districts focus on subsidizing tuition fees for tertiary institution students from the district.

Law and order has also been a major issue that continues to affect the district growth.

The MP strongly urged that law and order will be addressed in the District plan, hence securing an appropriate budget in the financial year.

The member addressing heads of the district include the newly appointed acting CEO Joshua Himina, highlighting that this agendas must seriously be looked into for the betterment of the district development growth.

Imelda Wavik