Gulf needs ‘worsening’

The need for basic services in Gulf Province has been worsening for years.

Communities in Gulf are now taking ownership to establish a pathway for development.

And this is through the traditional structure system, which with modern influence, has since been broken down.

Assisting with this is Jungle Intelligence to oversee villages building back traditional landowner structures based on their customary landownership.

This structure follows options to partner with government and other agencies to build the needed services.

JI is bringing on board Professor Victor Nossar, the head of the Population & Public Health Domain in the School of Medicine Sydney at the University of Notre Dame, Australia.

As a senior community paediatrician, Prof Nossar has had over 30 years’ experience in implementing community-based services to enhance the health and development of children and young people in Australia and overseas.

With his expertise, the team will visit coastal villages of Karaeta and Pukari in Kerema town tomorrow to establish the relationship and start discussions going forward.  

Nossar acknowledged that this community initiative is a very important step to their development.  

“When communities take leadership, you get much better results than if you try to implant it from the outside.

“So the visit is to see what structures have already been built, discuss on establishing links to networks where they find funding sources, or government interest.”

(Loop filepic of Kerema, Gulf)

Gloria Bauai