Early Childhood Development, Vital

Early Childhood education forms the foundation for children’s development into the future.

National Capital District Commission’s Active City Development Program created Pilai Program launched in January this year has reached out to children in the city and Motu Koitabu villages who are not able to attend early childhood education.

Active City Development Program’s Fazila Bazari said the program has reached more than 120 children this year.

"These children have learnt faster being here than if they had not signed up. They have learnt through the recreation and play sessions to be clean, healthy, hygienic and have also adapted a nutritious diet" she added.

The children, who have involved in the program, are aged between 6-13 years.

"We also rescue children who are subjected to Gender-based Violence, who have become orphans, and delinquent," said Bazari.

Bazari also paid tribute to all five teachers trained by the ACDP and who were also currently working in schools, churches, settlements and in other active city programs.

She said it was their commitment, time and effort that contributed to much of the success for the program this year.

Under the program, children are provided with healthy meal every session from CPL.

ACPC also extended its gratitude to Chairman Sir Mahesh Patel for the nutritious food that they provide.

Director-General for the National Office for Child and Family Services, Simon Yanis said children are the foundation of this country

"You (ACDP) are involved in a very important business of molding and shaping our children today to be good leaders of this nation tomorrow, and especially the less fortunate are given a second chance here," said Mr Yanis.

NCD Governor Powes Parkop said the critical part of any person's live is at this early age 1-5 years and 6-13 years.

"That's the crucial time to be teaching children good values and ACDP is doing this well," said Parkop.

Article 31 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child says that a child has the right to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities and to freely participate in cultural life and the arts.

A total of 96 classes were taught this year, every Monday and Wednesday afternoon from 3-5pm.

Children this year who attended the program, come from Koki, Badili, Two Mile, Talai, Gorobe, Sabama and Konedobu.

Press Release