Congestion leads to increased crime: Maprik police

Maprik town is the only town in the central part of East Sepik that caters for over 800 people on a daily basis, especially on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

The town provides services for people from almost eight districts, including the Lumi and Nuku districts of West Sepik.

Hence the increased number of people at one time has created law and order issues for the area.

Police Station Commander Damien Linus is determined to restore Maprik to its former days – a peaceful and economical centre.

Linus said it is no secret that the rate of crime has expanded and taking up office just days in has not allowed him to go through the record and data of crime rates in the area.

However, he says he will put his foot down and ensure that crime is curbed in the town.

The PPC reiterated that drunk and disorderly behaviour in the town area, including killings, are the main issues that need to be addressed immediately.

He also mentioned that reports of a recent major clan dispute, which had risen from the death of a man, saw more than 40 houses burnt and many people left homeless.

Linus said law and order is everyone’s problem and the public needs to cooperate with police to ensure a safe and peaceful town – and district – for everyone’s benefit. 

Imelda Wavik