
Petition for Danny DeVito to become the next Wolverine

The petition, titled "Have Danny DeVito play the rebooted Wolverine in the MCU", set a goal of 25,000 signatures. As of Thursday (local time) 19,208 people have signed the petition since its creation two weeks ago, with the number of supporters rapidly increasing. 

The DeVito fan behind the petition to Marvel, a user known as 'Ring Arius', said: "[Danny DeVito is] the only man able to take the throne after Hugh Jackman.

"We believe that if Wolverine is to make an appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that the only man able to pull it off is Danny DeVito."

'Logan' shows claws in grim X-Men solo outing

"Logan," his latest solo adventure, is an especially grim affair -- a marginally successful movie that carves out a niche closer to Quentin Tarantino than "The Avengers."

Internet loses it over Hugh Jackman's recent photo

We're going to preface this by noting that it's highly unlikely that Hugh Jackman reads his Instagram comments. The man's got other fish to fry. Quite possibly literally, in this case.

Not to mention a family to cherish, scripts to read and weights to lift.