Sunday Polling

Toropo summoned in Ialibu-Pangia petition

Justice Collin Makail issued the orders today on the request of lawyer representing petitioner in the Ialibu-Pangia seat, Stanley Liria.

The petition came for direction hearing today to assist parties prepare themselves for the actual hearing.

The main basis of the petition is the alleged illegal polling on Sunday, which breaches section 130(1)(b) of the Organic Law on National and Local Level Government elections.

Three are three grounds of the petition; illegal practices, bribery and undue influence.

Contradictory decision on Sunday polling in WNB

This is after allegations of polling on a Sunday held in Wasum in the Kandrian Gloucester Open seat.

It is understood that Team 11 conducted polling on Sunday July 2, the last day of polling due to several factors.

According to the report from team 11, they had encountered bad weather including rough seas, strong winds and rain.

When they arrived at Wasum, the village chief, elders, the people and scrutineers all agreed for voting to take place after church service so they exercise they constitutional rights to cast their votes.