
Polye to push for settlers' relocation

Polye said he will be writing to NCD governor, Powes Parkop and Prime Minister, Peter O’Neill to have an alternative plan to help resettle the displaced residents.

Polye, who visited the displaced residents at Morata said he is saddened to see citizens of this nation mistreated in the name of development.

He said any developer must resettle the settlers before developing the land.

“Basic human rights have been abused, displacing mothers and children in the name of development,”

Juffa backs eviction on illegal settlers

Juffa said whilst the move by the Police was unpopular with settlement dwellers, it has been widely supported by most citizens of Oro due to the settlements unsightly appearance creating filth and posing health risks to the citizens as well as a crime hub where petty crimes were growing.

“Many citizens of Oro travelling into Popondetta complained of pickpocketing, assault, drunkard behavior and the sale of marijuana and illicit alcohol and illegal gambling which had also recently started and the activities were becoming an eyesore to the peace loving citizens of Oro.