Pregnancy and Childbirth

Bundi health centre delivers first triplets

The triplets were born to Arum and Gidion Peter from Kobwum, ward 13, of Bundi local level government. 

It is a four-hour walk from Kobwum to Brahman Health Centre. 

Officer-in-charge, Sr Stella Mondia, said the birth of the triplets is a first in the area, and she was ecstatic that it was a safe delivery. 

“The couple were lucky to come to the health centre for delivery and we were able to assist,” Sr Mondia said. 

Vitamin B3 supplements can prevent miscarriages, birth defects: study

Scientists from the Victor Chang Institute in Sydney investigated why some women have multiple miscarriages and why some babies are born with heart, kidney and spinal defects.

They found a major cause was a deficiency of a vital molecule known as NAD, which is important for normal development of organs.

Lead researcher Professor Sally Dunwoodie said it was the first time NAD been associated with miscarriages and birth defects.

"We have discovered a whole new cause of birth defects and a way to treat it as well," she said.

Can you get pregnant during a pregnancy?

The technical term for this is superfetation. In humans, it's possible, but it's very uncommon.

Two thousand years ago, that great Greek thinker Aristotle wondered about this very topic, specifically as regards the hare.

Aristotle noticed that when a hare gave birth, quite often the offspring in a single litter would fall into two distinct classes: there would be a bunch of full-sized robust baby hares, and another bunch of scrawny frail baby hares.

Study: Obesity during pregnancy increases risk of epilepsy in child

Being overweight during the first trimester of pregnancy has been linked to an increased risk of childhood epilepsy.

The recent Swedish study, published in journal JAMA Neurology, of almost 1.5 million babies found the risk of epilepsy almost doubled from normal-weight women to very severely obese women.

Epilepsy disrupts the normal electrochemical activity of the brain resulting seizures.

Pregnancy weight gain a health concern

But increasingly, there is a new concern.

It is estimated about half of Australian women are entering pregnancy overweight or obese, with many putting on excessive weight while pregnant.

Jane Raymond, manager of Maternity and Newborn in NSW Health, said weight gain tends to be cumulative and lasting during child-bearing years..

"Pregnancy now is called an independent risk factor for obesity," Ms Raymond said.

Increasingly, research is linking a pregnant mum's weight to the health of her child.