PNG Air Services Limited

New navigation system to enable safer landing for aircrafts

The K8.1 million project funded by the Australian Government was launched today by the PNG Air Services Limited (PNGASL).

The GNSS project will enable greater chance of landing in bad weather rather than having to divert to an alternative airport.

Australian High Commission Minister Counsellor, Benedict David said the project is expected to reduce business cost for airlines and increase the competitiveness of the domestic aviation industry.

David said this is crucial for improving supply chains for fresh produce and promoting tourism.

PNG Air Services launches new project to improve air safety

The Global Navigational Satellite System (GNSS) project delivers new instrument approach landing charts and enables satellite-based navigation at up to 45 airports and airstrips.

The project cost K8.1 million fully funded by the Government of Australia.

This satellite based technology will provide the aviation industry with enhanced safety and operational standards.

It will contribute greatly to socio-economic and environmental benefits for communities in PNG.

PNG Air Services to launch navigational project

PNGASL provides Communication, Navigation, Surveillance (CNS) and Air Traffic Management (ATM) Services to aircraft operating within the PNG airspace.

GNSS is a satellite system that is used to pinpoint the geographic location of a user's receiver anywhere in the world.

PNGASL received funding from the Australian Government for the design of the GNSS approaches at a number of key airports throughout PNG.

Aviation Safety and Security conference on in Kokopo

This is why there is a huge need for aviation safety to become a top priority, both in domestic and international policy making.

Civil Aviation Minister Davis Steven highlights these as among the many challenges that face the aviation industry, including increasing concern over the environmental impact of aviation overall.

His remarks were made this morning at the opening of a high level aviation safety and security conference taking place at the Gazelle International in Kokopo, East New Britain.