Nuku MP Joseph Sungi

Government queried over UN vote

Nuku MP Joseph Sungi brought up the matter today in parliament, 2 months after the vote was cast during the emergency United Nations General Meeting was called up in New York.

“Can you tell the population of this country, why this country has voted against the very nation we believe in?”

Foreign Affairs Minister Rimbink Pato expressed that it was a decision that was based on professional advice.

Bougainville issues too sensitive for discussions: Powi

However, he made it clear that matters of Bougainville are of paramount importance, including that of Bougainville’s referendum, and discussions should be debated often.

Powi recently headed the National Parliamentary Bipartisan Committee on Bougainville Matters, where issues relating to the autonomous region went under the spotlight after a week-long assessment and consultations were carried out.