
Thousands of Kina saved

The innovative project was funded through a K10 million grant by the Papua New Guinea-Australia Incentive Fund in 2011.

The hydroelectric project diverts water from a nearby river and funnels the water down a 1.2 kilometer channel, powering a turbine which produces electricity.

The project was largely delivered by the Hospital itself – the management team’s ingenuity and resourcefulness allowed it to be delivered at a fraction of what it would otherwise have cost.

Chinese man attacked over business grievance

The incident took place at about 11am in front of the victim’s store.

The victim, 30 year old Andy Ni Hua from China’s Fujian Province, was attacked and his left hand almost chopped off by an angry local man.

Police report that the suspect, a 40-year-old man from Kudjip, was upset about the  distribution of money owed to him and other business partners.

Jiwaka police boss, Joseph Tondop tells Loop PNG that the victim was inside the shop for normal business activities  when a man chopped at his hands.
