dry weather

OTML operations uninterrupted amid El Nino fear

Responding to queries from various media outlets, Kedi Ilimbit, managing director and chief executive officer of OTML, reassured stakeholders that the company is vigilantly monitoring the situation.

Ilimbit conveyed, "OTML is well-prepared to address the situation, armed with a comprehensive Dry Weather Management Plan and an El Nino Management Plan, which will be enacted if and when necessary."

Kairuku villages suffer from food and water shortage

Most of their water wells are drying up and food gardens are not producing enough as food crops are dying out.

Lui Sileh from Pinu village said even the swamp located in the outskirts of the village does not have any more fish with the water level dropping.

“There was always enough fish from the swamp to last us for two days but now we catch enough for only one meal."

“Most of the villagers are now resorting to the big creek to find fish but it is also drying up."