
Plant chemicals hope for 'alternative contraceptives'

Chemicals from dandelion root and the "thunder god vine" plant have long been used in traditional medicines.

Now, Californian researchers have found they can also block fertilisation.

A UK sperm expert said the discovery could lead to a new and novel approach to male contraception.

But the compounds existed at such low levels in plants that the cost of extraction was very high, the US team said.

'Stealthing' - what you need to know

It may not be a word you've heard before but there's a lot of discussion about it right now on social media.

It's being talked about because of a US report which found cases are on the rise.

Victims' charities say it must be treated as rape - and that it's a hugely under-reported problem.

The study by Alexandra Brodsky in Columbia Journal of Gender and Law says it is a growing issue.

It can save your life!

This was stressed earlier yesterday by Dr Sibauk Bieb, Public Health Manager from the National Department of Health.

He said in the fight to eradicate HIV/AIDS, prevention still remains the best option and referred the public back to the most basic method – using condom.

In its efforts to prevent the increase of HIV infections, the Health Ministry has made a stand to promote condoms throughout the country.

Condom Case: Victim’s statement vital for case

NCD Central police commander Sylvester Kalaut tells Loop PNG that the primary evidence in the form of the victim’s statement in any police case is a must if the case is to be air tight in a court of law.

He says that police cannot act on the video evidence alone unless they have a positive identification on the officers as well as a statement about what was carried out in the form of the statement of the victim.

Teens invent condom that changes colour when STDs detected

The online magazine listed the creators as Muaz Nawaz, Daanyaal Ali, and Chirag Shah, from London’s Isaac Newton Academy.

The invention, named S.T.EYE, awarded the students the top health innovation prize at the city’s TeenTech Awards.

The awards are intended to promote science, engineering, and technology in schools.

At the competition, groups of students ranging in age from 11 to 16 attempt to create “technology to make life better, simpler or easier.”