
Help! 11 tips to get kids to eat healthy

Countless parents have kids who just want to eat chicken nuggets, or pasta, or macaroni and cheese, or all of the above, and definitely without any vegetables.

It's a problem throughout the year, but at back-to-school time, it gets maybe a tad more stressful, as parents are looking to start over or at least give their kids lunches that pack a healthy punch and won't get traded away for Oreos or some other sugary snack.

Harsh parenting reduced

The Parenting for Child Development program was jointly created by UNICEF, the Menzies school of Health Research and Catholic Archdiocese Madang, Hagen and Kundiawa.

The program aims to increase parents’ awareness of child development, reduce use of harsh discipline against children and improve family relationships.

It is funded by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, under the Pacific Women Shaping Pacific Development program, and tested in 10 communities in Western Highlands and Madang Province.

(Picture: Brett Davis Flickr/CC license)

Why having an only child can be good for everyone

Parents of only children by choice are no strangers to these questions.

But evidence shows there are very few drawbacks to a one-child family, and according to one expert those passing judgement are likely envious because they have "suffered through" raising several children.

Between Canditta Natakuapa and her husband, they have 17 siblings. So deciding to have just the one child was easy for the pair who value work-life balance and giving their son "the best start in life".

When men can't have children, they suffer in silence

Last month it was revealed sperm concentrations in Western men have declined by more than 50 per cent over the past 40 years — with diet and environmental influences possibly to blame.

And despite an estimated one in 20 Australian men experiencing some kind of reproductive problem, men often suffer in silence when struggling to become dads.

Paedophiles in PNG

“We do have paedophiles…but we are talking about it as if it’s outside of PNG borders…I tell you it’s happening here,” said Tessie Soi – clinical manager at POM FSC.

In 2016, according to statistics outlined by Family Support Centre, a total of 1152 cases were reported.

The month of September recorded the highest number of cases, particularly for females between the ages of 0 – 17 years old.

These incidents take place in familiar environments, by familiar people – always a case of broken trust.

The international a-peel of Aussie television's top bananas

Which Australian icons would you say are the most internationally recognised? At the closing ceremony of the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, the organisers wheeled out the likes of golfing great Greg Norman on top of a giant shark on wheels, and model Elle MacPherson. But between their floats, out came three teddy bears, one rat and two bananas on a staircase.

Mom's sweet tooth may be linked to child's allergies, study says

The researchers looked at allergies that produce respiratory and skin symptoms, including dust mites, cats and grass. "Allergic asthma" causes breathing problems, like wheezing and coughing, in the presence of common allergens such as dust.

Researchers from Queen Mary University of London used data gathered from nearly 9,000 mother-child pairs in the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children, an ongoing research project that tracks the health of families with children born between April 1, 1991, and December 31, 1992.

Long-term breastfeeding leads to more cavities: study

Researchers analyzed breastfeeding behaviors and sugar consumption for 1,129 children in Pelotas, Brazil. At age 5, the children visited a dentist, and were examined for decayed, missing and filled primary tooth surfaces and severe early childhood caries, or severe cavities. Severe early childhood caries were defined as six or more decayed, missing and filled primary tooth surfaces.

How do you talk to children about domestic violence

Two early childhood educators from Tasmania, Judi Rhodes and Tanya McQueen, were struck by the lack of resources to help. So they made one themselves.

Queenie's Little Book of Comfort follows Queenie the quoll who, when faced with family violence, seeks help from her neighbour Eric the echidna.

"We decided to create this little book about Queenie because we were so heartbroken about the amount of children that come to school or play group that are trying to survive family violence," Ms Rhodes said.

Don't just consult Dr Google' for your child's worrying behaviour

But some behaviours can be more worrying than others, and it is hard to know when to call on professional help.

Psychologist and neuroscientist Charlotte Keating said it was understandable that parents were sometimes reticent to take their child to see a therapist.

"There's that fear that you'll make it a bigger problem if you treat it as a problem," she told ABC Radio Melbourne's Clare Bowditch.