Census 2020

Funding for Census 2020 to be released

This comes after the last Ministerial Budget Management Committee meeting approving the release of supplementary warrants for January for the development budget.   

Secretary for the Department of National Planning and Monitoring, Koney Samuel, who is Chairman of the Census National Steering Committee, made this known during the National Steering Committee meeting with all stakeholders in Port Moresby on Thursday (06.02.20).

No efforts to be spared in census delivery: Minister

Minister Basil has directed the National Statistical Office and drivers of the NSO 2020 census to prepare an NEC submission to update Ministers on preparations thus far. Furthermore, they have been instructed to schedule a work plan to deliver the census and what is needed in terms of inter-governmental collaboration and engagement of the development partners.

Minister Basil has informed the members of the 2020 Way Ahead Meeting that he has also written to the Treasurer requesting front loading of the NSO 2020 census.

Census 2020 preparations start

An assessment of the last census was conducted last week with stakeholders and challenges, cost and areas of improvement were identified and will be made known to the public – for the first time – in due course.

The consultation was a way of gathering feedback from stakeholders and how processes can be improved to ensure an effective census for 2020.

The review of the last census was the first since Census 1980.