Catholic Church Health Services (CCHS)

Church Health Services Get Vital Supplies

He made this presentation recently on behalf of His Holiness Pope Francis. The presentation comes as the third round of assistance to the CCHS.

Packages containing respirators, masks, battery operated oximeters and other important items were delivered. Apart from the donations, the Nuncio gave a K10,000 cheque.

His Excellency Fermín Emilio Sosa Rodríguez, said he was happy to represent His Holiness Pope Francis, to convey to the people of PNG a gift consisting of medical equipment that the Holy Father wished to assist.

Improving health reporting mechanisms

CCHS data helps the PNG Government to make informed decisions about health service delivery, including access to proper treatment. 

A three-day workshop on effective data collection, analysis and reporting was held for 11 Catholic health officers last month.

Catholic Health Services program manager Graham Apian said it will ensure accurate information on HIV is collected and reported to the National Department of Health.

“By providing accurate information, we help people living with HIV to continue their treatment,” Apian said.