Australian Liberal Party

Politial Party brands a values

The insight was provided by one of the Australian Liberal Party’s Federal Tactics Unit Manager, Ian Hanke, who is here on the invitation of the Registry of Political Party’s and Candidates Commission ((RPCC).

Hanke told PNG political party executives today in a workshop organized by the commission that party branding was based on values that define who or what the party is.

“We consider a brand to be about the values that is invested in the name of the Liberal Party,” Hanke said.

Workshops being organised for political parties

Their visit is part of a workshop organised by the Registrar of Political Parties & Candidates Commission.

Registrar, Dr Alphonse Gelu, says the workshop seeks to improve party policies and platforms and prepare them well for the 2017 National General Elections.

He said several other workshops have taken place around the country and all are part and parcel of preparing the parties.

Next week’s workshop will be held from October 6 – 7 at the Bengo Conference Room in the Commissions head office.