2022 National General Elections

Over 190 Candidates In Morobe

This figure is a cumulative total from Thursday, May 19th to Tuesday, May 24th. Morobe Province had nine electorates until the recent split of Bulolo district, which will see candidates vying for the new Wau-Waria seat.

The Morobe seats in contention for the 2022 national general elections are: Morobe regional, Bulolo, Finschhafen, Huon Gulf, Kabwum, Lae, Markham, Menyamya, Nawaeb, Tewai-Siassi and Wau-Waria.

According to the Morobe Provincial Electoral Commission, Lae district nominations have been quiet and without much fanfare, compared to 2017.

ENB Nomination Update

Gazelle leads with 28 nominations, Kokopo 21, Regional 17, Rabaul 9 and Pomio 5. Opening this morning’s nomination is Ekonia Tokau for Rabaul Open and Samson Kaelam –Gazelle Open and at midday was Kokopo Open candidate, Melkie Anton.
The four female candidates have all nominated successfully. Lannet Aua, a retired teacher an independent candidate is vying for the Regional seat. Theonilla Watt, a retired health worker is running under Advance PNG Party vying for the Gazelle seat.

Madang Records 200 Nominations

Election manager Sponsa Navi has confirmed that 26 candidates have nominated so far to contest the provincial seat. There are two women in that group. 
Mr Navi added that in the Middle Ramu electorate, two of the 29 nominees so far are women. 
In Sumkar, only one woman has been nominated amongst 36 candidates, and in Usino Bundi, no woman has nominated so far of 23 nominees. 
Mr Navi said 28 candidates have nominated so far for the Madang Open seat, two of whom are women.

No financial commitments outside vetting process: Manning

He said such commitments will not be honoured by the Royal Papua New Guinea Constabulary.

Commissioner Manning said financial commitments will be honoured only if authorization has been given by him through the office of the 2022 National Election Planning and Coordinating and Vetting Teams which is chaired by Assistant Commissioner Policy and Planning Dr. Philip Mitna.

Nominations In POM Continue

Vincent Manukayasi, MNW Returning Officer says the number of nominations will likely change by close of nominations on Thursday May 26.

Bill George MNE Returning Officer said nominations continue without much inconvenience at the Unagi Oval.

On Friday May 20, nominee and Independent Candidate Nelson Harabe of Ward 9 failed to file his nomination as his nomination fee had not been paid prior. The candidate arrived at Unagi Oval to pay the nomination fee but was told that could not happen.

Kerevat CS step up in election readiness

Over the past weeks 24 CIS officers have been attending gym sessions at the High Performance centre, Gelegele, thanks to the support of owner and former Kumuls Coach Michael Marum.

Fitness programs have always been part of their yearly physical exercise, but due to the lack of gymnasium facility at the institution, they have not been able to maintain this exercise. With the elections now in progress, the Kerevat CS approached Marum to use the HP Center at intervals, and he agreed.

Hiri-Koiari Nominations

Candidates have been lining up to nominate at Mirigeda, in Hiri East.

Hiri/Koiari electorate covers Kinakon to 17mile in Koiari LLG; 1 Mile and Goldie Area in Vanapa/Brown LLG, and Rabuka to Senunu in Hiri LLG. Its people are proud as a result. They would soon have someone from their electorate represent them in parliament.

Since Nominations started on Thursday the 19th of May, 20 candidates nominated so far, since nominations began on May 19.

WNB nominations continue well

Chairman of the WNB Provincial Election Steering Committee Robert Dau said that people should be civilized now to understand the laws for election. Mr Dau appealed to supporters and candidates to refrain from causing any issues that might disrupt the nomination period.

Returning Officer Emily Kelton announced the following nominated candidates for West New Britain: Kandrian Gloucester 15, Nakanai 11, Talasea 22, and WNB Provincial with 10 candidates.

PLP endorses 40 candidates

Party leader Sir Peter Yama confirmed this after endorsing candidates in Simbu Province.

He said candidates include John Mauve (Sinasina Yongumugl Open), Former Lutheran church Bishop Pastor Ali Apa Dilu (Simbu Regional), Kindimo Morame (Chuave Open), and Tulip Wesu (Salt Nomane/Karamui Open).

He said the candidates are not new to politics, and believes they can lead the people of Simbu.

Female Vies For SHP Top Post

The Southern Highlands provincial electoral manager, Aluwin Jimmy opened the nominations for candidates on Thursday 19th May.

Undi a businesswoman, became the first woman candidate to nominate on Thursday at 10:37 am at the Mendi police station vying for the Governor’s seat.

“I, Aluwin Jimmy Provincial Returning Officer and Manager for Southern Highlands, officially, want to announce to you all that I officially opened these nominations today,” he said.