Rosso Cup finals set for Aug 12

Rosso Cup 2023 will conclude on Saturday, August 12th.

Due to time constraints, some of the events could not be completed on Sunday, August 6th.

This Saturday, 4 finals will be held, including the presentation of prizes for all age categories.

A new start and finish route has also been outlined by the committee for the 16-18 boys and senior men’s finals.

The Lae Showgrounds will not be used this weekend. Instead, cyclists will start and finish at the Lae Botanic Gardens (balus area).

From the Botanic Gardens, riders will use the same track as the heats, where they will go around the Raun Wara and through the Gardens.

The public will not be allowed to access the Gardens, however, they can spectate along the Milfordhaven Road, which will be closed to traffic from 10.30am-1.30pm.

Presentations will be made by the Lae Open Member, John Rosso, after the men’s final race.

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