New executives for Media Pool Competition

The South Pacific Brewery Media Pool Competition (SPMPC) elected its new executives at its annual general meeting (AGM) early this month at the Lamana Hotel in Port Moresby. The new executives will oversee the SPMPC for the next three years.

The new executives elected are Tony Dindilo (Chairman), Kametan Sibunakau (Deputy Chairman) and Lee Thomas (Treasurer) while Henry Iamo retained his secretary position.      

The new Chairman of SPMPC Dindilo in his congratulatory remarks said, “as the new chairman elect for MPC 2024, I am greatly honored to be given this mandate to lead this competition to another level higher. I am privileged to have alongside me a very esteemed team in Kametan and Lee.   

“I also acknowledge our major sponsor SP Brewery Ltd for its continuous support and Lamana Hotel for providing much-needed avenue to host our pool games. Not forgetting other supporting sponsors as we look forward to another great relationship in 2024.

“My management will work assiduously in close consultation and collaboration with all teams and stakeholders to build on where our predecessors have left and extend boundaries for development and growth.”   

Outgoing Chairman Kepson Pundu, did not seek re-election as he decided to move on and congratulated, Dindilo, Kametan and Lee for their election to lead Media Pool Competition.

Pundu said, “I decided not to seek re-election so as my deputy Murray Vila and treasurer Vali Kapi. We felt that we gave enough energy and time to MPC for the last four years. It's time to move on in life for us.”

He concluded “I believe we delivered to the expectations of our members, supporters, and sponsors in the last four years and making the MPC where it is today under my leadership.”

The SPMPC is expected to convene once the elected executives set out the plan and schedule events for the year 2024.

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