Motu Koita rugby league working on strategic plan

The Motu Koita Rugby League Association (MKRLA) executives are in the process of developing a strategic plan for 2017-2019 with the aim to operate as a professional entity.

Chairman of the MKRLA, Pipi Dai Boe said having a proper strategic and operational plan will ensure that those who hold positions in the MKRL must have a set of action plans, a set of rules and guidelines, and achievement pathways in place to help them run the affairs of the MKRLA.

“This is so they can operate in a professional manner with accountability and transparency to achieve the required desired outcomes and objectives of the MKRLA. We cannot operate on ad hoc basis anymore,” said Boe.

He added that MKRLA’s registration with the Investment Promotion Authority (IPA) is in the process.

“The IPA registration and PNG Rugby Football League affiliation together with the specified strategic and operational plans will make our organisation a genuine one.

“Our dealings will be authentic so that the general public, our stakeholders and sponsors can recognise us accordingly.

“The general meeting and election of new office bearers is in the pipeline and is part of the plans the current MKRLA executives have made as we believe in democratic rights of other potential Motu Koita aspiring leaders.

“The onus is on those interested to take up voluntary positions to be willing to sacrifice and each club to organise themselves starting now and be prepared to fulfil the requirements that the MKRLA will set and impose on all participating clubs,” said Boe.


Troy Taule