WNB Governor donates police patrol cars

West New Britain Governor Sasindran Muthuvel officially opened the 10th Policewomen's Advisory Network conference in Kimbe and donated two new patrol cars for police operations in the province.

Before presenting the vehicles yesterday, the Governor imparted an inspiring speech, emphatically touching on the important role of women in society and the need for people to adopt positive changes in their lives.

Governor Muthuvel called for society to give more recognition to women in the essence of development, saying they are the foundation of the family and are more trustworthy compared to their male counterparts.

The Governor also spoke of the need for individuals to be more accountable and trustworthy in their roles and responsibilities as citizens while expressing the analogy of the Great Wall of China.

He said it was specifically built to defend a nation but the country was conquered on numerous occasions because the invading armies bribed the guards.

The Governor said this analogy is applied in the PNG context where policies and government developmental strategies were proving to be too cumbersome because of the lack of commitment and dedication on the part of the public servants.  

Muthuvel said corruption will only destroy a nation unless individuals at the forefront of governance and development adopt positive changes in their lives and move towards growth and development.

He stated that such a positive attitude should be orientated on trust, discipline and honesty.

The 10th policewomen National Conference will conclude on Friday.  

(West New Britain Governor Sasindran Muthuvel, left, handing over the keys of the two vehicles to West New Britain Provincial Police Commander Chief Inspector John Midi. Looking on from left to right are Police Commissioner Gari Baki, Police Minister Jelta Wong, third left, New Guinea Islands Divisional Commander Assistant Commissioner Anton Billie, Commander NCD/Central Assistant Commissioner Sylvester Kalaut and Police Station Kimbe Inspector Daniel Yangen)

Press release