WNB gov’t supports Trinity School

Trinity Secondary School, a renowned private educational institution dedicated to providing a second chance for students who miss out on the education system, received a significant financial boost.

The Provincial Government, recognizing the school's invaluable work, presented a generous contribution of K200,000 during a special ceremony.

Governor Sasindran Muthuvel personally handed over the cheque from the Provincial Support Improvement Program, and took the opportunity to inspire the students, urging them to transform their challenges and difficulties into opportunities for personal growth and success.

Principal Kumba Lui expressed heartfelt gratitude on behalf of the entire school community, acknowledging the Provincial Government's continuous support.

With students coming from three different districts, the funding received will play a vital role in enhancing Trinity Secondary School's educational offerings and infrastructure.

This is not the first time the school has received such assistance, as it marks the third occasion the Provincial Government has extended its financial support, highlighting the enduring partnership between Trinity and the government in providing quality education to those in need.
