WHP to shelve major projects

Because of the massive budget cuts in consecutive years since 2015, the Western Highlands provincial team will be shelving some of its major impact projects this year.

One of these major projects is the rural housing program.

The Western Highlands Province rural housing program got off the ground in 2014.

Since then, it has been a proven success with more than 2,000 Western Highlanders in rural areas owning permanent structure homes.

Western Highlands Acting Provincial Administrator, Stanley Maip, said the provincial administration assists with purchasing sawmills and distributing to wards.

The villagers use the Sawmill to cut proper timbers to build the structure of their houses.

Once the structure is set, they liaise with the rural housing program team to obtain roofing irons to complete the house.

Unfortunately, this successful project will be shelved this year.

(Western Highlands Acting Provincial Administrator, Stanley Maip)

Charmaine Poriambep