Village court pilot project set for Boera

A pilot project village court facility will be built at Boera village, outside Port Moresby.

The judiciary has been in touch with the community to build a standard facility for the village court in the village.

Attorney General and Justice Minister, Davis Steven recently visited the village for the pilot project.

Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia said K300, 000 has been put aside to build the facility.

He said village courts deal with 80 percent of disputes and must be looked after by all including the government.

Salary allowance for village court magistrates, designated court facilities and the appointment process are the main issues faced by village courts.

Sir Salamo said salary that are being paid to the village courts magistrates have not been done in a satisfactory manner and steps must be taken to make sure they are paid directly.

Designated court facilities where village court magistrates can sit in and deliver decisions is another concern.

He said decisions will be questioned and lack integrity if they are delivered in open areas.

With the appointment process of village court magistrates, Sir Salamo said the judiciary has been advocating that role to be performed by the Judicial and Legal Service Commission, the same appointing authority that appoints magistrates and judges.

Sally Pokiton