UOG corrects misinformation

Vice Chancellor of the University of Goroka Dr. Teng Waninga has clarified the controversy over the structural design of the new UOG Central Administration Building project.

Dr Waninga in a media conference on Tuesday 23rd April responded to claims made by the former Project Managers, Future World Design. The contractor protested in the media against the termination of their contract and also sought court relief for the same reason. They currently have a case pending against UOG.

UOG terminated their contract on claims that the zoning of the building was inappropriate and instructed the building contractor, China Engineering to stop work.

The technical team denied claims of inappropriate zoning of the building, and said that the zoning aspect of the building structure was in order as it was approved by the following members of the team:

  1. Professor Teliu -  Structural engineer, first PNG instructor in Structural engineering at UNITEC and has been in practice for many years; last 8-9 years chiairman of structural engineering that looks at engineers that want to apply and become structural engineers;
  2. Ms Finkewe Zurenuoe, Safety Engineer, former President of the Institute of Engineers

With the clarification of the roles of those behind the foundation of the Central Administration Building, a new project manager has been appointed in Frame Works Architect and the building contractors have been advised to proceed with the building.

It is envisaged that the Central Administration building will be completed by May 2025 and keys handed over by June 2025. 

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