Staff, public urged to look after new MRI scanner

Staff at the Radiology Department of the Port Moresby General Hospital (POMGH) have been urged to take good care of the new Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanner.

The MRI scanner was launched yesterday at POMGH and is the first MRI scanner in the public health system of Papua New Guinea.

It was funded by the National Fisheries Authority at a cost of K4.5 million.

Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resources Mao Zeming said NFA is proud to have provided funding assistance towards the acquisition of this MRI scanner and the facility to house it.

“I urge our staff at POMGH and the public to take good care of this equipment and the facility so that it will continue to be of service to our people,” stated Zeming.

“Affordable health care is one of the top priorities of the current Government.

“Increased allocations to the health sector in the National Budget in the last five years reflect this commitment.”

Zeming added that under the Government, organisations like the NFA will continue to provide assistance under its corporate social responsibility and community programs. This is to support their effort to ensure people get affordable and better health care.

“There is no doubt our hospitals have some of the best doctors and nursing staff but we lack modern equipment like the MRI scanner, forcing many to seek expensive treatment overseas or at private clinics.”

Zeming hopes that these will all begin to change now with the new MRI scanner.

The MRI scan is a Government subsidised service and will be free to the public up until April, when the POMGH Board decides on the usage fee, which is expected to be less than K500.

Quintina Naime