Sinai gives election update

The Local Level Government election will be conducted next year with the tentative date set for June of next year, says Electoral Commissioner Simon Sinai.

He said the minister for provincial and local level government affairs made this announcement.

Sinai said roll update is still a factor that is causing inconvenience in the conduct of the 2022 national general election which is still the same issue with the LLG election.

“Despite the inconvenience we have completed the ward records, we will get the electoral roll to print and do verifications on the ward roll,” he said.

Sinai added that the Wewak Open and North Bougainville by-election will be conducted first, but the Lagaip by-election will be conducted after clarification is given for security purposes.

He said the issuing of writs will commence on July, clarifying that the tentative date is yet to be confirmed.

He said a total of five by elections will be conducted this year which includes Madang, Sohe and Kairuku Open.

The election petition for the Kairuku Open was announced by the National Court on Thursday June 29th, removing Peter Isoaimo as the duly elected MP for Kairuku and ordered a by-election.

This was the result of candidate Paru Aihi’s election petition against Isoaimo and the Electoral Commission based on grounds of bribery.

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