Reflect and embrace change

Governor General Sir Bob Dadae urged Papua New Guineas to reflect on the change as the country transformed into the new area of being independent for the next 48 years and onwards.

He made this remark as the country’s flag was lowered during the Flag Lowering ceremony on Saturday, September 16, 2023, at the Sir Hubert Murray Stadium.

The Governor General reminded Papua New Guineans that PNG is a Christian nation but has seen little change due to the uprising of conflict, and law and order issues.

He challenged all citizens to start treating each other with respect and work together for the better.

“We must build a peace-loving national character within ourselves and among our citizens. We must have a change in our Mindset.

"Without values and high moral stance, including integrity, we are not a worthy society and cannot realize our full potential as a destination for investment and business to flourish.”

“I hereby call on all citizens, uphold and instill in ourselves, and especially our children, the core values of Christian principles and ethics as they are fundamental in nation-building."

"The basic Christian principles of generosity, courage, love, respect, honesty, obedience and volunteerism are enshrined in our National Constitution. These are the pillars which will allow us to stand tall as citizens of this country, take pride in what we are, and incite in us a desire to do more for our fellow citizens.”

He said the onus is on each and every one of the citizens, to build a just, safe and secure society.

“It is high time we deviate from the mindset of total reliance on government handouts and relying on politicians for financial support and sustenance of our livelihood.”

Sir Bob said success and accomplishment do not come easy. Hard work, perseverance, honesty, transparency and persistence are, but some of the qualities people must all possess to achieve success and progress for ourselves.

Meanwhile, celebrations in Port Moresby continue and will end today in some parts of the city.

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