PPL Registers 900+ New Customers

As of Tuesday July 12, PNG Power Limited has registered 950 new customers through its Amnesty Initiative.

The initiative is part of PNG Power’s long-term program aimed at combatting revenue leakages, and maintaining existing revue connections whilst making new ones.

Since the extension of the initiative was launched on Monday May 30, many new customers have stepped forward to register.

PPL has continuously advised all unregistered electricity consumers connected to the PNG Power grid without a meter, to go forward and register as new customers at their nearest PNG Power offices or call the toll free number 116.

This phase of the initiative is focused on calling all unregistered customers connected to the PNG power grid to come forward and register as new customers.

PPL assures that there are no penalty fees, back bills and service fees during the amnesty period, which ends 31 August 2022 and, registration is free of charge.

However, post Amnesty Period; PPL will be launching an External Reward Program during which the public will be rewarded with very attractive incentives for reporting any illegal power connections.  And Customers caught stealing power outside of the Amnesty period will be prosecuted and all penalty fees to be charged accordingly.

In the meantime, PPL and partners USAID-PEP will be running a workshop for youths. They will be trained to carry out awareness for the amnesty initiative before the period is over. 

Marysila Kellerton