PNG urged to stand united

Prime Minister James Marape has called for the nation to stand as one in the face of the coronavirus disease.

He has urged citizens to forget their differences and work together to keep the country safe.

“Whether it’s a church difference or political difference or tribal difference or business difference, we live in one country, one border,” stated the PM.

“The protection of our border is very important and that’s what we’re all about; to ensure that our country is safe from coronavirus.”

Meantime, after Cabinet on Monday (March 23), the Government will announce stimulus packages and incentives for the business community.

“Planning Minister and Treasurer will together put a package to ensure our business communities who are affected in this time where the economy is being hit hard, our Government will look within the context of our 2020 revenue; there will be some stimulus for our business communities out there.”

Carmella Gware