PC editor defends coverage of Evara’s death

The editor of Post-Courier has come out to defend the newspaper’s coverage of the death of their business editor, the late Rosalyn Albaniel Evara.

Todagia Kelola says the reason behind the paper not giving prominence to the late Evara’s story was due to the story angle.

His statement follows widespread criticism by many readers, including the former editor-in-chief of Post-Courier, Alexander Rheeney, who condemned the paper’s front page today.

Rheeney said: “In today’s edition, you choose to belittle the memory of one of Papua New Guinea’s top journalist by running stories and pictures on her funeral service yesterday on Page 16, unlike The National which did well by giving the issue front page coverage.”

However, Kelola told TVWAN News that the decision of the placing of Evara’s story had nothing to do with prominence; it was only a matter of the angle of the story, and theirs was that of a funeral service.

Although they do acknowledge the work and effort put in by the late journalist, it was an editorial decision.

He said it has nothing to do with the Post-Courier not wanting to contribute in doing all they can to find out the cause of death.

“In fact, the Post-Courier has been behind the matter since the day Rosalyn suddenly died.”

Kelola added that the funeral cost was met by PC and they, like many other people, want to get to the bottom of Evara’s death.

A turn of events at yesterday’s funeral service saw a relative come out with claims of Evara suffering a violent relationship, resulting in her sudden death.

Pictures of fresh bruises were displayed during her funeral at the Sione Kami Memorial Church, sparking anger and shock from the public and the media fraternity.

While many of the media houses reported the claims of abuse, the late Evara’s employer chose to remain silent on the issue, resulting in public backlash.

Imelda Wavik