Pariwa emphasises budget implementation

Madang Governor Ramsey Pariwa has highlighted the importance of translating annual budgets to tangible developments on the ground.

Pariwa stressed this during a draft budget presentation in Madang on Monday.

He told all sector heads how important it was to ensure that the money being allocated translates to the implementation of outstanding services needed by the people of Madang.

He emphasised to all provincial administration staff including the administrator Frank Lau that as the government of the day, he will be in charge of decision-making whilst they play their part as implementers. 

The Governor also gave an ear bashing to all administration staff on the lack of implementation of the many Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) decisions. He reiterated on their duties as implementers or compliance officers on the decisions that are made by the government.

Mr Pariwa does not want to see any management issues hindering service delivery to the people starting this year and moving forward. 

He challenged the administration, branding them as “incapable” and “incompetent” if they are not able to implement and bring much-needed services to the people of the province.

He further added the deterioration of the country’s status is due to the fact that implementers are simply not doing their jobs, tainting a bad name for the leaders who most of the time have made the appropriate decisions.

Meantime, the Madang Provincial Budget is still going through deliberations and is expected to be finalized and passed on Friday by the PEC.

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