Pandemic Act Vital for Economic Recovery Efforts

In a recent statement, Commissioner of Police David Manning has reaffirmed the importance of the National Pandemic Act in facilitating the economic recovery process.

Manning, also serving as the Controller of the National Pandemic Response, clarified that his recent directives are crucial to ensuring the seamless operation of transportation systems, emergency services, and essential functions during this critical phase.

While the immediate health crisis may have subsided, the nation continues to grapple with the broader repercussions of the pandemic.

Manning stated, "The national recovery focus has shifted beyond the immediate health aspect of the pandemic, but the effective functioning of supply chains for medical supplies and health services remains paramount as we navigate through the recovery phase. I will continue to fulfil my mandated role in furthering these efforts."

Commissioner Manning's response came in light of media reports questioning his powers to direct the Central Bank and Puma Energy to resolve the fuel crisis standoff. The Member for Vanimo Green, Belden Namah, had sought clarity from the Attorney General regarding Manning's authority.

Manning clarified, "The National Pandemic Act is still in effect, and its continuity or discontinuity will ultimately be determined by Parliament. As long as it remains in force, the office of the Controller will intervene when necessary to resolve issues in the best interest of the country."

Addressing the pressing issue of fuel access, Manning emphasized that effective transportation, emergency, and essential services are vital for the nation's uninterrupted progress. Consequently, he urged all stakeholders to work together to ensure a smooth recovery process and guarantee uninterrupted access to fuel for businesses, government agencies, essential services, and everyday life.


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