Non-refugee seeks review of status

A man of Bangladeshi nationality with a non-refugee status is asking the court to compel Minister for Immigration Petrus Thomas to review and reconsider his status.

Jashim Jashim was one of those processed in Manus since his arrival in 2013 and was determined to be a non-genuine refugee.

Jashim is also part of the Supreme Court Enforcement Application that is seeking compensation against the unlawful detention at Lombrum in Manus.

He went before the National court last week where temporary interim orders were granted against Immigration Minister deporting him back home.

He is now asking the National Court through his lawyer in a Human Rights proceeding to stop his deportation.

He is also seeking the court to compel the PNG Government to reconsider and review his status that was determined in October 2016.

Jashim does not want to return home in fear of his life being at risk.

Pending the imminent deportation, he has asked to be killed and his body sent back home instead.

According to his assessment review record, he fled persecution in Bangladesh. 

The court was told by Minister Thomas’ lawyer that compelling orders are subject to judicial review jurisdiction and the case was an abuse of court process.

The National Court will deliberate on his motion and give a ruling next week Monday.

An interim order, which stayed his deportation has been extended till then.

Two other Bangladeshi nationality will similar applications next week.

They all remain at Bomana till then.

Sally Pokiton