NIP applauds teachers

The New Ireland Provincial Administration is extending its appreciation to teachers around the province for their invaluable contributions.

As today is World Teachers’ Day, social services chief executive officer of the New Ireland Provincial Administration, Benson Apelis, said: “Happy Teachers’ Day to all you New Ireland teachers across our 660 schools, educating 65,889 students in 10 LLGs and 142 wards.

“We are the force that will transform New Ireland to be autonomic, self-reliant, efficient, market-oriented and internationally competitive.

“Thank you, my hardworking teachers of New Ireland.

“We may not be a subject to many but a subject to growth and development of New Ireland, PNG and humanity.

“Teachers are teachers; a noble profession, a job ordained by God.

“Teachers reach the unreached and touch the untouchable. They impact the least of the people and bring forth joy to the isolated citizens.

“Teachers teach in challenging environments in simplicity and are the only public servants at the end of the journey.

“That’s who we are. Teachers.”


(Teachers from Djaul Island, traveling to Kavieng town to buy supplies)

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