Media must maintain standards: Governor

NCD Governor Powes Parkop has called on the mainstream media to maintain its standards and not compete against social media.

Speaking to journalists at the annual NCD Governor’s Media Bash, Parkop urged the mainstream media not to compete against what he coined ‘tabloid trash’.

The Governor made the comments when highlighting his views on the negative aspects of social media.

“They are not the same as you all. They are not the same level and quality as you all. You all have seen it in the election, it’s just trashy, tabloid trash.

“That’s where people with negativity go there. You see social media now, it’s not really about reality. People who are hurt, they use social media to hurt others,” he said.

A former journalist himself, Governor Parkop also highlighted how social media was a tool used by citizens to break stories.

He told journalists that this was inevitable and they must go for the story behind the story to maintain credibility and independence.

“Maintain some standard of dignity, honesty and some standard of fairness and don’t compete with them.

“Let them be the first people to break the news. It doesn’t matter because there’s always a story behind the story,” he said.

The media bash is an annual thank you event hosted by the NCD Governor to thank media personnel for their coverage of the events and activities hosted by himself and the National Capital District Commission.

Media personnel on the night also received gifts from the Governor.

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Cedric Patjole