Madang unrest stops Gr. 8 exam

The final day of the Grade 8 National Examinations in Madang was disrupted due to the civil unrest and retaliation of family members of a police officer who was killed yesterday evening.

Director for provincial education, John Ura said the unrest has disrupted grade 8s sitting for their final paper today. However, he is advising students to stay indoors and hopefully, if things die down by this evening, they may be able to complete their paper tomorrow.

Mr Ura had a morning brief with senior school inspectors and the provincial Grade 8 exam coordinators to advise them of his decision. Asked if the students will be able to complete their paper if the situation prolongs.

Mr Ura states he may need to seek advice from Education Secretary Dr Uke Kombra.

He said under his capacity, he is only able to defer the exams for this week but if it is to drag on for another few more days, he will have to get approval from the hierarchy at the Department of Education in order for grade 8’s in Madang to complete their final paper.

Mr Ura is urging all students including the grade 8s to keep safe and be indoors until the tension blows over. He assures all grade 8s not to worry for today but to check up tomorrow at their schools to complete the final paper.

The events that occurred today were unfortunate and the Provincial Administrator Frank Lau and the Provincial Police Commander Superintendent David Seine Jnr condemned these actions, which have resulted in the disruption of exams.

PPC is now calling on everyone to be responsible citizens keep out of the streets and let the law take its due course.

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