Intense leadership, governance training underway

The government’s vision of promoting leadership and governance is being driven further through the intense leadership and governance training currently undertaken by selected public servants.

The 10 week training aims to develop a well-trained human resource serving in the public sector.

The 33 public servants from the district and provincial levels from Southern and Momase regions are into their second week of training at the Pacific Institute of Leadership and Governance in Port Moresby.

They are undertaking four crucial modules including leadership and governance, financial and fiscal management, human resource management and industrial relations and project management. 

The six key values of honesty, integrity, accountability, respect, wisdom and responsibility enshrined in the capability framework will also be taught.

“We encourage participants to read through these documents and try to adapt and understand what these key values mean to us as they speak volumes in terms of applying them,” stated Taies Sansan, Acting Secretary of the Department of Personnel Management.

At the conclusion of week 1 of the 10 week training, the participants say the training is an eye opener and is broadening their knowledge and skills.

“The first week has been like a push start…before we from the districts and provinces were sleeping and this training has woken us up to understand how the public service has to be run,” shared one of the participants, Fiona Koru.

A huge task lies before all 33 participants and that is to apply what they will be taught within their organisations.

Carolyn Ure