Gulf needs emergency response plan

Gulf Province Governor, Sir Chris Haiveta on the event of receiving three dinghies from the Papua LNG Project told the company hierarchy that together, they needed to develop an emergency response plan for the Purari Delta.

The Governor acknowledged that the provincial government has limited resources and operates in a difficult environment. He thanked the Project for their recent efforts in assisting waterway communities along the Purari affected by the recent floods.

“We will be flood prone. The province has to accept that and the province knows that. On our coasts, erosion’s happening. There’s about 25 to 30 villages along the front or coastline of which about 10 to 15 are in the Purari delta.

“We need to sit down and work out an emergency response plan, long term, in the Purari delta. Because you’ll be there for 30 years,” added the Governor.

Sir Chris says any intervention for affected communities needs to be tailored to meet their specific needs. He adds that it is the time of year where the province is prone to flooding and the provincial administration stands ready to assist the Project and welcomes the assistance that Papua LNG and its partners have given.

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