Gordons Secondary school aim for top five

Gordon Secondary School (GSS) in the National Capital District is setting its hopes high for the 2024 academic year, looking to be in the top five performing schools in the country.

Principal George Kenega, emphasized revealed this saying the aim for this year is to make sure students as well as teachers meet their schedules and attend classes faithfully. 

“Well this morning my message to the students is 2024 being our year. We want results, academic results. Grade nines, don’t wait, start now and get your priorities right. Grade tens and twelves, they are the ones that will be carrying our flag. I told them I will be personally checking on what they are doing every day, to see if teachers are teaching and students learning. 

“These are the two things I will closely monitor. Also making sure patrons and matrons check on students every morning and see if students are actually attending classes. If not, we will call up students and teachers and ask if they want to continue in GSS or not” said Principal Kenega. 

According to the 2023 ranking, Gordons Secondary School Grade tens were ranked 9th in the country and grade twelves was ranked 14th. 

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