Four judges sworn in

Four judges who were appointed acting judges, of the National Court two years ago, have now been sworn in as permanent judges of the National and Supreme Court.

Acting judges Thomas Anis, Danajo Koeget, Daniel Liosi and Ravunama Auka, today took their Declaration of office, loyalty and Judicial declaration before Governor General Sir Bob Dadea.

They were sworn in by the Governor General as judges of the National and Supreme Court of Papua New Guinea.

Their appointment is for a period of 10 years and was done by the Judicial and Legal Service Commission on November 3.

Early this month, the Judicial and Legal Service Commission also announced the appointment of six other judges.

Five of which will be sworn in as acting judges soon.

A serving judge of the High Court of Botswana, Hon Professor Justice Oagile Bethuel has also been appointed to the bench.

The latest appointments of six new judges now brings the total number of judges to 44 for the PNG Judiciary.

Chairman of the Judicial and Legal Services Commission and Attorney General Minister, Davis Steven said the increase in the number of judges is in response to the demand now placed on the judiciary.

It is also part of the reform and changes driven by the leadership of the judiciary that the government is supporting.



Sally Pokiton