Climate Change Forum

In an effort to create further awareness and take action on climate change, Port Moresby hosted the National Protected Areas Forum.

The event is part of activities that have been organized by Conservation and Environment Protection Authority (CEPA), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Climate Change and Development Authority (CCDA) ahead of World Environment Day that falls on June 5th.

The first-of-its-kind forum will utilized for sharing experiences, insights and build collaboration amongst all stakeholders in the battle against climate change.

National Capital District (NCD) Governor Powes Parkop speaking at the forum said: "This is not a local agenda, neither is it a national agenda. This is a Global Agenda. It is incumbent on all of us to do something today. If we fail now, our children are inheriting a dire future.”

The Governor said collaboration is critical to the outcome of the event and the way forward is for NGOs and the Government to work together to mitigate the Climate Emergency.

The World Environment Day program will include stakeholders and partners of the Amazing Port Moresby programme with participation from over 600 hundred school children from 12 schools participate in seedling planting, project exhibitions, and poetry. A community dance, and fresh produce by vendors are some of the other highlights of the programme.

On June 6 for World Ocean Day, ACDP teams and communities will be participating in coastal clean-up activities across the city.

Photo credit: NCDC

Press Release