CIMC hosts first 2018 meet

The Consultative Implementation & Monitoring Council (CIMC) held its first meeting for this year in Port Moresby yesterday (Feb 13).

The meeting was to facilitate a collective dialogue and input that is critical for citizen engagement in public policy development and implementation.

The meeting was attended by representatives from the public and private sectors, civil society organisations and churches where they presented their sector’s plans, identify development hindrances and how they can be addressed to allow development to proceed.

This process is to enable the exchange of information and ideas among the different institutional actors.

The meeting was also aimed at setting the pace for the CIMC consulting process to align to the key government objectives.

Minister for National Planning and Chairman of the CIMC, Richard Maru, told sector representatives that fostering consultations and dialogue are essential elements of inclusive development.

Minister Maru said the government’s aspirations through the Medium Term Development Plan for the next 5 years is to grow the economy, therefore sectoral plans and consultation must complement this.

As such, the Minister encouraged citizens and the private sector to use CIMC forums to talk about how the country can resurrect the economy in order to become a healthy, wealthy and wise nation by 2050.

Minister Maru urged council members to back the CIMC and its role and financially support it.

A national CIMC meeting will be held next month in Lae, Morobe Province.

(Participants at the event yesterday)

Carolyn Ure