Case against Pindipia thrown out

A criminal case against suspended Committal Court Magistrate Pinson Pindipia has been thrown out in the National Court because the State’s attempt to gather evidence has been futile.

Pindipia appeared before Justice Panuel Mogish today for mention where the matter was dismissed after the State filed a formal notice (nolle prosequi) that it will no longer pursue the matter.

Two main witnesses the State intended to rely on their statements in the trial did not want to come before the court.

Justice Mogish quashed the indictment or charge against Pindipia and dismissed his case on Tuesday after it was scheduled to go for trial.

He said this case reflects back on police and how they arrest accused persons without even collecting enough evidence.

Pindipia was charged with perversely expressing jurisdiction with interest in the Paul Paraka case in 2014. He was charged following allegations that he had a personal interest in the Paraka case.

Speaking outside court today, Pindipia thanked the judiciary for its decision today to dismiss the case.

“What the judge observed is exactly what I had in mind. When a person is unduly suppressed under the law, by use of force, by use of power and authority, the court system is where our final hope is and today’s decision by the judge is testimony to the legal system that we have in Papua New Guinea.

“I’d like to thank my family, my supporters around the country. We are now free and looking forward to giving more service to the people in Papua New Guinea through the court system in whatever we can,” Pindipia said.






Sally Pokiton