APEC preparations ahead of schedule: Tkatchenko

Preparations for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) 2018 are now two weeks ahead of schedule.

Minister in charge for APEC, Justin Tkatchenko, said PNG will produce one of the best APEC Meetings ever.

“We are looking forward to a very successful APEC meet come next year, when all the world leaders come to Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.”

Tkatchenko said at the end of the day, it’s a team effort and with Prime Minister Peter O’Neill, the leader of the city, Governor Powes Parkop and himself to implement, nothing is expected to go wrong.

“We’ve proven ourselves already with other big events and we’ll do the same here. We just need to step the mark up when it comes to APEC.”

He adds that there is a massive task ahead and it is not as easy as previous events held here, but PNG loves a good challenge and will rise to the occasion to make sure it’s a success for the nation and our government.

Annette Kora