Alotau needs more policemen

The once peaceful township of Alotau in Milne Bay Province needs more police personnel to deal with the recent criminal activities disrupting peace and harmony.

Alotau MP, Charles Abel said the district is in of more police presence.

“Twenty-five new recruits were to be posted to Alotau, but were sent elsewhere at the last minute. That continues to leave us undermanned. The PPC is doing his best under difficult circumstances and it is a huge maritime province and the police are trying to guard the waterway and highways and this holds up other issues that go on and also protect the town,” Mr Abel said.

He said there are other districts to be looked after and it’s not just Alotau, even though it is the biggest district and the provincial capital.

“We do have a local taskforce like other provinces, it needs support and input. We need to get our full manpower allocation and that’s the issue we are facing. The PPC requested and got the task force sent in from Port Moresby who are on the ground at the moment.” 


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